Tsantali Ouzo, 700ml
Crystal clear colour. The distilled anise dominates the nose and palate at first. The mouthfeel is robust, yet offers a very elegant, rather creamy coating sensation and a lovely warmth due to the alcohol levels. Although anise seems to head, the rest of the natural aromatics -linden blossom, coriander, cardamom- bring in more complexity and finesse, thus create the perfect balance and enhance the food-friendly character.
When water or ice is added, the crystal clear colour gives its place to a rich, milky-white colour without losing any of the aromas and flavours.
Alcohol: we use pure ethyl alcohol made from raisins and other agricultural origin of 96% Alcohol By Volume (ABV). This is the basis of the distillation and it is tested when delivered to our facilities, as well as right before the distillation.
Seeds and herbs: for our Ouzo Tsantali recipe we use a selection of seeds and herbs from the mountain tops to the seaside of the broader region of Macedonia in Northern Greece. Some of them are: the unique Macedonian anise (“marathos”), star anise, anise, coriander, angelica root, cardamom, linden blossom. The collection from the plants is made at the best ripening time and left to dry, the seeds are carefully separated from the stems and stored at ideal conditions.
Distillation: Εthanol of agricultural origin, aromatic seeds and herbs are added into traditional copper alembics and remains for approximately 18 hours before the distillation.The heart (the middle fraction) of the distillate, that is the primary product and the most important element in the ouzo production, is stored in order to settle and obtain the perfect homogeneity. During the distillation process the flow, the alcoholic strength and the temperature of the distillate, is under control.
Water: Before bottling, the “ouzo” distillate is slowly mixed with crystal-clear water.
Crystal clear colour. The distilled anise dominates the nose and palate at first. The mouthfeel is robust, yet offers a very elegant, rather creamy coating sensation and a lovely warmth due to the alcohol levels. Although anise seems to head, the rest of the natural aromatics -linden blossom, coriander, cardamom- bring in more complexity and finesse, thus create the perfect balance and enhance the food-friendly character.
When water or ice is added, the crystal clear colour gives its place to a rich, milky-white colour without losing any of the aromas and flavours.
Alcohol: we use pure ethyl alcohol made from raisins and other agricultural origin of 96% Alcohol By Volume (ABV). This is the basis of the distillation and it is tested when delivered to our facilities, as well as right before the distillation.
Seeds and herbs: for our Ouzo Tsantali recipe we use a selection of seeds and herbs from the mountain tops to the seaside of the broader region of Macedonia in Northern Greece. Some of them are: the unique Macedonian anise (“marathos”), star anise, anise, coriander, angelica root, cardamom, linden blossom. The collection from the plants is made at the best ripening time and left to dry, the seeds are carefully separated from the stems and stored at ideal conditions.
Distillation: Εthanol of agricultural origin, aromatic seeds and herbs are added into traditional copper alembics and remains for approximately 18 hours before the distillation.The heart (the middle fraction) of the distillate, that is the primary product and the most important element in the ouzo production, is stored in order to settle and obtain the perfect homogeneity. During the distillation process the flow, the alcoholic strength and the temperature of the distillate, is under control.
Water: Before bottling, the “ouzo” distillate is slowly mixed with crystal-clear water.
Crystal clear colour. The distilled anise dominates the nose and palate at first. The mouthfeel is robust, yet offers a very elegant, rather creamy coating sensation and a lovely warmth due to the alcohol levels. Although anise seems to head, the rest of the natural aromatics -linden blossom, coriander, cardamom- bring in more complexity and finesse, thus create the perfect balance and enhance the food-friendly character.
When water or ice is added, the crystal clear colour gives its place to a rich, milky-white colour without losing any of the aromas and flavours.
Alcohol: we use pure ethyl alcohol made from raisins and other agricultural origin of 96% Alcohol By Volume (ABV). This is the basis of the distillation and it is tested when delivered to our facilities, as well as right before the distillation.
Seeds and herbs: for our Ouzo Tsantali recipe we use a selection of seeds and herbs from the mountain tops to the seaside of the broader region of Macedonia in Northern Greece. Some of them are: the unique Macedonian anise (“marathos”), star anise, anise, coriander, angelica root, cardamom, linden blossom. The collection from the plants is made at the best ripening time and left to dry, the seeds are carefully separated from the stems and stored at ideal conditions.
Distillation: Εthanol of agricultural origin, aromatic seeds and herbs are added into traditional copper alembics and remains for approximately 18 hours before the distillation.The heart (the middle fraction) of the distillate, that is the primary product and the most important element in the ouzo production, is stored in order to settle and obtain the perfect homogeneity. During the distillation process the flow, the alcoholic strength and the temperature of the distillate, is under control.
Water: Before bottling, the “ouzo” distillate is slowly mixed with crystal-clear water.
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.